Monday, October 20, 2008

Jott milk?

Dude! Jott is sweet!
I have to admit that at first read, I wasn't quite buying it... Why would I want to use my precious cell minutes on a glorified notepad? I'm a dedicated list-maker and I knit! (OK, so that probably doesn't make a ton of sense to most folks, does it? Let me 'splain it to you: I knit, therefore I carry some sort of knitting project around with me constantly - it's USUALLY small and contained in a bag of some sort. The bag holds not just my project, but a variety of stuff that I might need to work on the project: scissors, extra point protectors, a second set of needles and ball of yarn in case I get bored with the current project and want to start a fresh one, tapestry needles, a Balance bar in case all that knitting and indecision makes me hungry, and (to bring this back to a relevant place) a small notepad (maybe I should call it a knotepad) and pen in case I need to make a knitting-related note. Said knotepad isn't restricted to knitting only notes - it's a multi-tasker, and might hold my grocery list, directions to somewhere I've gotta go, or the packing list for the trip that requires those directions. Got it?)
So, said I, (in sotto voce, lest my co-workers think I'm going a little bit crazier) "I don't need this."
And then I watched the video ... and thought, "hmmm, OK..." and then it seemed interesting, and just as I started thinking, "They use people to confirm the ASR?", they tossed out that line about the clean room and the doctors and lawyers, and I felt better (because I've worked for lawyers, and seen my doctor dictate into his phone). And then I signed up. And it was easy. So I called (squandering those precious celly minutes, but it was for work, right? I can try... just this one time - I'll never do it again, so it'll be the first and last time, right?) And it was dead easy, and it worked on the first try - within seconds (because as soon as I hung up, I had to check my email, of course) I had two messages posted on my Jott dashboard - one was the first message, the other was a "we're working on your transcription" message, which quickly transformed into my second message. And it was easy to sign up for direct email of my JottNotes, too.
So, yeah, I'm pretty impressed with Jott - Even for an unabashed list-maker like myself, this is convenient and easy enough that I'm seriously considering using this again (though only for really important notes, and only during off-peak/free hours).
As for the library? Well, I'm not sure we can do much with it formally, but I'll definitely tell co-workers about it, and maybe mention it to patrons who don't sign up for email notifications...

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