Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thing 17 - Still stuck in that sticky wiki... but it's gotten sandy in here...

What can I say about the MD Libraries sandbox?

Really, that's how I feel about it - it's not particularly well organized, and everybody seems to have taken that "Blogs Here" link a little too literally - aren't you supposed to follow the link and add your blog to that page? Not the home page, right? Maybe I'm being too formal about it - but come on, folks, this isn't supposed to be rocket science!

And don't even get me started on trying to find a page to "edit" - that was a massive pain in the behind - here I was thinking that other folks might have added their own insight/opinions to some pages, but no, it looks like everyone and their cousin just created their own new page.

I think this particular wiki needs a little more of a guiding hand...

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