Friday, October 19, 2007

Thing 23 - This is the end, my only friend, the end...

8 days from start to finish - I don't think that's a 23 Things record, but considering that I squeezed it into a fairly busy week, I'm proud of myself for getting it done so quickly, and still managing to not just skim the surface - I actually did try most of the tech out - I had to skip on creating a podcast (I don't have a convenient microphone) - but I think I set up accounts and played with everything else!

I'm actually surprised with how much fun I had doing this program/project - I thought it would be more of a slog, but it ended up being alot of fun - another factor in my ability to get through in such a short time frame.

I am glad that I've finished it up, though - mostly because now I KNOW what my co-workers are getting themselves into, and I'll be much better equipped to help them out if they need some help - and I can reassure them that it can't possibly be that hard, if I could get it done in a week (give or take).

The "at your own pace" style of this was great - as I've pretty well demonstrated, I think. I would probably give another program like this a try - but it had better have as much potential for fun as this one ended up having!

As usual, I'm surprised with the Things that I ended up enjoying the most - of course, I love LibraryThing (what's not to love about it!), but I knew how much I liked it before - what I'm very surprised by is how I'm actually enjoying having a Bloglines account. If you were to check back to my comments for Thing 8, I said that I didn't know how much I'd be using that Bloglines account - (that was less than a week ago) - I've actually checked it several times this week, and really liked that I could do a quick scan of the headlines on the updated feeds. That may well be one of most valuable Things that I'm going to take away from this experience (well, that and the My Little Pony Generator)...

Signing out (for now...)


Jennifer Ranck said...

Wow! I cannot believe you are finished already. I'm hoping you'll be able to help out others at your library - if you have time.

Sabine said...

Jo, you are amazing!
And yes, I WILL ask you for help. ;-)