Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm baaa-aack!

When last we parted, dear reader(s) (I may very well be the only one who ever actually read my own blog), I'd just finished up 23 Things - in not-quite-record time, but perilously close to it.

So... 9 months later, what am I doing resurrecting this poor tired corpse? Well, my wonderful LibraryLand friends, Jennifer and Maurice have crafted a follow-up, a sequel, if you will, to our beloved 23 things. They're calling it "Learning 2.1", but I prefer to think of it (as they did, once upon a time) as "Just 10 More Things". Our colleagues from more southerly climes have actually taken the 23 Things concept and run wild with it - their version of Learning 2.1 is actually at Thing 64 and still going. I'm intrigued, but content to focus on "just 10 more" for the time being, because my time is both short and valuable.

Just to revisit 23 Things a little, I'm happy to report that a whole slew of my co-workers completed the original 23 Things!
Personally, I'm still using some of those Things - most especially Bloglines - words can't describe just how much I love having all of those sporadic (or all too frequent) postings gathered in one single place - I visit my Blogline account every. single. day. that I have internet access. How else would I know that both Just Bento and Cake Wrecks have been updated?
I'm also still using - but not as frequently as I used to. Of course, many of the sites that I would have put into have been added to my Bloglines feed... but I still love (and spread the gospel of) accessing bookmarks from anywhere.
I have to confess, however, that I've neglected my LibraryThing account. After singing (well, rhyming) its praises so stridently, I (rather suddenly) stopped posting new titles to it. I'm not totally certain why - perhaps I lacked internet access at the same time that I finished up several books, or mayhaps I got nervous as I neared the limits of my free account... I don't know, but I'm not fighting it. When the time is right, I'm sure I'll be back, and until then, I'll just keep recommending it to others.

Well, enough about the past - onward to Learning 2.1!

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